Katerina Samara
2015, Video Show ¨From the intagible to the tanglible¨screening, Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich, CH
2015, Exhibition “Vedi alla voce”, Maxxx Project Space, Sierre, CH
2014, Exposition “Le fil”, La Julienne, Geneva, CH
2014, Exposition diplômes bachelor-master arts visuels, Sierre, CH
2014, Barbershop, Trienalle du Valais, Turtmann, CH
2014, Show Showed Shown, Manoir, Martigny, CH
2014, Episode Deux, Maxxx Project Space, Sierre, CH
2013, Sensibles Constractions, City of Sierre, CH
Prix de la Ville de Sierre 2014, for the work “Embroidered Memories”
2015-16 Atelier Tremplin, Ferme-Asile, Sion. Soutenu par la Fondation BEA pour Jeunes Artistes.
2012-2014: Master in Ecole Cantonal d’art du Valais in Sierre, Master of Art in Public Spheres. Special mention for the quality of the writing of the Master thesis “Embroidered Memories”
2006-2012: B.Sc. in the Department of Photography and Audiovisual Arts at the Technological Institute of Athens
Fall semester
2009: Student exchange programme ERASMUS at Ecole Supérieure des Αrts de l’ Ιmage “Le 75”, Bruxelles